Mujeres al Oeste works mainly at the local level in the western suburbs of the City of Buenos Aires, but it also develops activities in other parts of the country. Our main target groups are women, teenagers and young people living in poverty.

The following list shows some of the diverse ACTIVITIES that we developed and are developing:

* Design and organization of workshops, seminars, debates, forums and groups on our main working themes.
* Participation in National and International Networks promoting actions in favor of women.
* Promotion of legal reform and social practices that favor the recognition of the rights of women, teenagers and young people.
* Social monitoring and accountability of women living conditions.
* Assessments and participation in the mass media and social networks to comply with our objectives.

Some of our PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS have been:

• Group Project "Without Bars"

Since 2009, Mujeres al Oeste started a project with other local organizations to promote the rights of women deprived of their liberty. The project includes the monitoring of the living conditions of a police station which incarcerates approximately 20 women without a sentence, training sessions on the gender perspective of incarceration, among other activities.

• Training Program in Sexual and Reproductive Health.

The program included: a) a training project in sexuality, gender, sexual and reproductive health addressed to professionals from the education, health and social work sector, b) a research project entitled "We DO talk about this issue: building tools for dialogue on sexuality between mothers/fathers/significant adults and teenagers”, c) a workshop on Promotion and Prevention aimed at women and teenagers, d) a project entitled “Women in fertile age: protagonists of their health care" and e) a project for the promotion of the quality of health care.

• Program for the de-penalization of abortion in Argentina.

This program was constituted by a) a project on "Safe abortion, citizenship law of all women", b) workshops on "Myths and realities about abortion" and c) the construction of the "Right to the abortion" web page.

• Program for the rights of young people

• Training, prevention and response to gender violence Program

The program consisted on the set up of an interdisciplinary service specializing in the attention of violence against women. This service works with women who suffered interpersonal violence and those who survived sexual violence. The service conducts individual interviews, and offers psychological care, legal advice, and guided contention groups for them and their partners. Through this program, WAW addressed telephonic and e-mail consults from individuals and institutions that required advice on the subject; organized prevention community training workshops and participated in conferences and panels on the subject in different parts of the country.

• Monitoring of the Public Policy Network to address, prevent and eradicate violence against women in the province of Buenos Aires

• Co-coordination of the Non-violence against Women Network in the western part of the suburbs of Buenos Aires.

This program included the following projects: a) the organization of several training on the "Prevention and training on violence against women", "Family violence directed at municipal agents gender training" (in agreement with the municipality of Morón), "Family violence gender training" (directed to public officials and community operators of the Neuquén province by agreement with the Women NGO "The frame" of the city of Neuquén), "Training in gender violence" (with the professional institution SEHAS of Cordoba), "Training workshops on the prevention of children sexual abuse" (for public officials and community actors of the Province of Corrientes)

• Program "Women and communication"

This program created the Centre for Documentation and Library of Women, including the development of a website and brochures and the project "Women communication and gender".