The first annual course Level I "Tools to intervene in situations of violence" that WAW offers every year has just finished. The objective of these courses on gender violence is to contribute and to think further on the theoretical tools and practices for the analysis and the intervention of family violence situations from a gender perspective.
The first course of the year 2010, began on 12th May and it was directed to educators, social workers, doctors, psychologists, health agents, operators common and members of the institutions that be in contact with the problems.
The course was designed and delivered by WAW's Specialized Team. The course has a six-week length, and takes place on Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. at the headquarters of WAW.
Since last year, the courses have a small cost in order to be able to cover the basic expenses of the activities that we develop.
We expect to be able to carry out a second course Level I during 2010, as we are at the moment defining the start dates. We will certainly publish the new date in the web page.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate on contacting us by mail, telephone or personally on Fridays from 3 to 5 p.m. Tel: 4489-3330. Mail: