WAW in the organization committee of the 13th Regional Women's Meeting

Next Saturday, August 21st 2010, a new Regional Meeting will be taking place in La Matanza, Province of Buenos Aires. We will gather to discuss the effects of the following issues on women: violence, health, abortion, land and housing, work, education, political participation, prostitution, among other relevant issues.

With a simil structure to that of the Annual Argentinean National Women's Meeting, we will organize workshops in order to exchange ideas and experiences, points of view, and hear all voices. In this way, we aim to promote continuity at the local level to our struggle for women rights.

Last year, 300 women participated in Morón. This year the date is in La Matanza, in the Technical School No. 3 of San Justo, in 2433 Salta Street (corner with Arieta Street). The Meeting will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will start recalling the history of the National and Regional Meetings. We will them divide ourselves in 16 thematic workshops and will work till later in the afternoon when we will share our conclusions in a common room. The event will continue with a cultural event.

The following workshops will be available: working women/ gender and education/ abortion and strategies in secrecy/ feminisms/ women and political participation/ prostitution and trafficking of women for different ends/ Health/ Sexualities/Women against repression/Women and access to land and housing/ Women and handicap/ women and migrants/ the environment/ diverse forms of families/ Religious institutions, their relationship with the State and the effects on women.