Mujeres al Oeste produces a variety of publications, leaflets, handbooks and tools on gender issues, prevention and response to gender violence, sexuality, sexual and reproductive rights, among other relevant issues. Most of our publications are in Spanish.
The following list includes some of our recent publications for download:
*Mujeres al Oeste (2008), "De eso SÍ se habla: Construyendo herramientas para el diálogo sobre sexualidad entre madres/padres/ adultos significativos y adolescentes", Documento de Trabajo, Morón. (We DO talk about this issue: building tools for dialogue on sexuality between mothers/fathers/significant adults and teenagers)
*Mujeres al Oeste (2009), "Si no respetan tus derechos" , Cartilla informativa para titulares de programas sociales, Morón. ("If they do not respect your rights", an information leaflet for citizens receiving social programs).
The leaflet aims at providing a tool for empowerement and to fight clientelism for women who receive social programs.
*Mujeres al Oeste (2008), "Antes del Primer Golpe: relatos y reflexiones acerca de una experiencia de capacitación y prevención de la violencia de género en el Conurbano Bonaerense, Morón. ("Before the First Blow: stories and reflections about a training experience on prevention of gender violence in the suburbs of Buenos Aires.")
*Mujeres al Oeste (2008), "Este es un folleto para Nosotras", Morón. ("This is a leaflet for us.")
*Mujeres al Oeste (2008), "Mitos y Realidades sobre la violencia contra las mujeres", Morón. ("Myths and realities about violence against women.")
*Mujeres al Oeste (2008), "Mitos y Realidades sobre el Abuso Sexual Infantil", Morón. ("Myths and realities about child sexual abuse.")